H&M We Love fashion
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It pays off to be a member

Enjoy exclusive discounts and much more. It’s free, and you get 30rmb off when spending 300rmb or more on your first purchase.

Some of our membership perks:

  • A completely digital membership in the H&M app
  • Free standard delivery on orders over ¥199
  • Bonus vouchers
  • Pre-access to selected sale
  • Offers and discounts

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Join now and get new welcome offer – ¥ 30 off ¥ 300 on your first purchase as a member

How it works.

It’s a digital membership in Wechat Miniprogram, H&M app and hm.com.cn.

The Membership

More — that's what our membership is all about. The more points you collect the better the perks become. Here are all your benefits

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About the H&M Membership

The H&M Membership is a completely free and digital membership where you can enjoy exclusive Member offers and discounts, pre-access to special collections and much more. Stay updated with all your offers by visiting your account page regularly to see what’s new. Join today and enter our world of fashion.